We are into the Government Domain for more than 2 decades and have devised and implemented a number of E-Governance projects and numerous Applications for Civil Engineering Vertical. We specialize in Software Consultation, Development, E-governance Solutions, Promotion and Implementation of Proprietary Software in the areas of Civil Engineering & Government Domain.
Smartech Civil Solutions
KA-502. Happy Home Apartments No.1, Shanti Park, Mira Road (E) Mumbai 400107
Contact: +91 9969261242  mail: pvrao@easybids.in
EasyBids® is specially developed to cater to the needs of Architects, Civil Contractors, Civil Engineers, Consultants, Builders, Developers, Government Bodies, Public Sector Undertakings etc, who are primarily engaged in executing Civil Engineering works through bidding system. You can quickly prepare complete estimates with Rate analysis, BOQ,  Recap sheet, Analyze Resources, Analyze costing for the whole project, split estimates into sub-estimates, Calculate price Escalation components , prepare all schedules & prepare fully formatted Bid documents in different formats including detailed specifications.

The Estimation Module also includes BBS (Bar Bending Schedule) with Standard Bar Details, Hook & Bend Details, Various Bar Bending Shapes as per BS:8666-2005 & IS:2502:1963 & Finally the Bar Bending Schedule.

Estimates Can be Prepared either using SOR or Market Rates.

Current SOR of PWD Maharashtra & Detailed Specifications Vol-I & II of CPWD are included in the database.

The billing module facilitates  preparation of bills like First & Final, Running Account (R.A) & Last & Final, complete with Face sheet, Bill, all necessary statements, schedules and certificates

For Project Management,
EasyBids® automatically creates WBS, Activities along with activity durations and send the output to MS Projetcs, where further sequencing of actvities and other Project Management actvities can be carried out..

Project Management Dashboard is also created automatically, which is auto-linked to Excel, which can be further customized by the user.
EasyRoads® is simple to use, yet it is powerful. It takes the survey data as input and automatically generates drawings such as Horizontal Alignment Plan (including curve fittment), Longitudinal-section & Cross-Section with total precision. All these sections can  be generated using Autocad or conventional method. It also performs volumetric calculations of all materials for various road structures and tabulates it neatly for both estimation and post execution works

EasyRoads® can be used for both Hilly and plain regions.

Widely used in preparation of DPRs of PMGSY, MMGSY & Other Road Projects. It is also useful for Irrigation Projects involving Canals and Earthwork

Accepts survey data from all sources such as Chain & Cpmpass, Plain Tables, Theodolite, Total Station & GPS equipments.

Can be operated by modertaely skilled personnel.
eठेकेदार® is an application, which facilitates preparation of Technical Bid
Documents for eTendering. eठेकेदार® is specially developed looking at the
requirements of Government Contractors and Contracting Companies. A
Technical Bid Document mainly consists the Following.

* Organization Details.
* Declarations, Undertakings & Affidavits.
* Securites and Payables.
* Civil Engineering Works Executed in previous Years.
* Similar nature of Works Executed as Prime Contractor.
* Similar Nature of Works Executed as a Sub-Contractor.
* Existing Works & Ongoing works in hand.
* Works for which Bids already Submitted.
* List of Sub-contractors proposed with their capabilities.
* Avaibale List of Plant & Machinery.
* Available list Field Testing Equipments.
* Available List of Technical personnel.
* Prepare Gantt/Bar Chart for project Execution plan.
* Other relevant Information in line with the Bid.
* Bid Capacity of the Bidder.

Prepararion of Technical Bid Document is time consuming, highly tiring,
tedious to prepare and error porne. A small mistake makes your bid  NON-
Responsive & you will loose the Bid.

The Final Technical Bid Document is prepared with Cover Sheet, Index,
Section Seperators & Sub-Section seperators neatly in one go.

To make a winning Bid Always, use our eठेकेदार® application.
eठेकेदार® does every thing from Scanning the Document to Uploading to
eTendering Portal without the need for any additional softwares.

Training & Workshops

We at Smartech Civil Solutions provide technical trainings for Civl
Engineering Professionals & Aspiring Engineering Students in the area of
PROJECTS both offline and online.

The trainings would provide aspiring Engineering Students to gain
industry experience along with best practices adopted and professionals
will gain more advanced knowledge in prefecting their profession and
keep their career path on fast tract.

The workshop is aimed at increasing the employability of the students,
by acquiring hands-on, real-life requirements of Civil Engineering
Profession and helps them fare well at campus interviews too. The
reduce the gap between industry expectations (practice) and academic
offerings (theory) by direct involvement of Industry / Experts to attain a
symbiosis. All the Stakeholders, namely Institutions, Industry, Students
and Society stand to gain as it can be a win-win situation and students
stand to gain by way of hands-on training, reduction of learning curve in
industrial practices.

Workshop covers:

* Project Management Basics
* Estimation & Costing with Detailed rate Analysis
* Project Planning & preparation of Project Implementation Plan
* Preparation of Bid Documents
* R.A.Billing System
* Project monitoring using Earned Value Method (EVM)
* Project Management DashBord
* Carrer Counselling - Put your career path on fast track