eठेकेदार® is an application, which facilitates preparation of Technical Bid Documents for eTendering. eठेकेदार® is specially developed looking at the
requirements of Government Contractors and Contracting Companies. The software can also be used by eTendering Service providers, who are engaged in
providing Bid submission services. eठेकेदार® application captures the data and arranges in the   following sections, complete with Cover Sheet, Index,
Section & sub-Section Seperators, Accurate Bid capacity Calculation etc. 

* Company Details.
* Declarations, Undertakings & Affidavits.
* Securites and Payables.
* Civil Engineering Works Executed in previous (5/7) Years.
* Similar nature of Works Executed as Prime Contractor.
* Similar Nature of Works Execyted as a Sub-sontractor.
* Existing Works & Ongoing works in hand.
* Works for which Bids already Submitted.
* List of Sub-contractors proposed with their capabilities.
* Avaibale List of Plant & Machinery.
* Available list of Field Testing Equipments.
* Available List of Technical personnel.
* Prepare Gantt/Bar Chart for project Execution plan.
* Other relevant Information in line with the Bid.
* Bid Capacity of the Bidder.

Prepararion of Technical Bid Document is highly skilled, time consuming, tiring, tedious to prepare and highly error porne.
A small mistake leads to Bid Dis-Qualification and/or Bid being treated as Non-Responsive & you will loose the Bid.

To make a winning Bid Always, use our eठेकेदार® application which takes care of all the above requirements.

eठेकेदार® does every thing right from Scanning the Document to Uploading to eTendering portal without the need for any additional softwares.

All documents are properly arranged in sections with Index, Section Seperators, sub-section Seperators etc. It also generates all your Affidavits,
Declarations & Undertakings using user defined templates including stamp paper data extraction.
For a Free Demo of eठेकेदार® Please call on us

Smartech Civil Solutions
KA-502. Happy Home Apartments No.1, Shanti Park, Mira Road (E) Mumbai 400107
Contact: +91 9969261242  mail: pvrao@easybids.in